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Current vacancies

Call Centre Consultants - RECRUITING NOW
We are currently looking for ASO3 Call Centre Consultants to join our team. Successful applicants must be available to participate in a full time paid five-week training course commencing Monday, 14 October 2024. Please read the Position Information Document and the application guidelines which are available at I WORK FOR SA. Applications close 4 August 5.00pm. Enquiries to Leisa Latimer on 8207 5151 or SAPOLCallCentre@police.sa.gov.au.

We advertise all our current career opportunities (for non-police-officer roles) through IWORKFOR.SA.gov.au All you need to do is visit the site and choose 'South Australia Police' in the 'Agency' field.

Learn more about some of the other diverse roles available at SA Police.

Please note that some jobs within SA Police are available only to current South Australian Government and other public sector employees. Jobs marked ‘Advt’ and expression-of-interest vacancies are open to all applicants.

Courses for police officer and protective security officer roles are ongoing and you are welcome to apply.