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Think first then dial

Second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers

Individuals and companies opening a business where second-hand goods are sold must register with the Commissioner of Police one month before opening. This includes:

  • second-hand dealers
  • pawnbrokers
  • second-hand markets operators.

This is required under the:

General exemptions

Business registration is not required by:

  • organisations selling donated goods, e.g. churches and schools
  • individuals and companies selling goods covered by other legislation e.g. Firearms, Second-hand Vehicle Dealers.

Please also see provisions set out in the Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Regulations 2013

Regulation 4 (1) states; Section 8 and 9 of the Act apply only in relation to the following kinds of goods;

(a) Goods that a dealer receives under a contract of pawn;
(b) Prescribed goods.

Further, Regulation 4 (6) states that; Sections 6,7,8,9 and 10 of the Act do not apply in relation to the following businesses;

(a) The business of selling second-hand vehicles carried on by a person licensed as a dealer, or exempt from the requirement to be licensed as a dealer, under the Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995.
(b) The business of repairing prescribed goods for customers;
(c) The business of acquiring prescribed good for the purposes of recycling metal and selling scrap metal obtained from those goods.

Applications and changes to business details

Second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers

Complete the Second-hand dealers or pawnbrokers business registration application form

Notification of changes for Second-hand Dealers (change in name, address or other details)

Complete the Second-hand Market Operator notification form

Notification of changes by market operators or former market operators of change in name address or other details

More information

View information on Legislative changes as of 1 July 2016

View an overview of the Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act

View questions about selling second-hand goods

View a list of prescribed goods from the Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Regulations 2013.


Registration enquiries

SAPOL Licensing Enforcement Branch
Email sapol.leb@police.sa.gov.au
Phone 7322 4694