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Speeding driver arrested at Crystal Brook

27 May 2024 7:37am

A driver was arrested after being pulled over for speeding at Crystal Brook overnight.

Police were monitoring traffic on the Augusta Highway at Crystal Brook at 1.40am on Monday 27 May when they detected a Kia sedan travelling at 122 km/h in the 110 km/h zone.

Police pulled over the vehicle and checks revealed the driver, a 50-year-old Port Pirie man, was currently disqualified from driving.

Further inspection revealed the car was bearing unassigned plates, and was unregistered, uninsured and defected.

The driver was arrested and charged with speeding and driving with unassigned plates, disqualified, unregistered, uninsured, contrary to defect and without a defect label.

He was bailed to appear in the Port Pirie Magistrates Court on 24 June.

His vehicle was impounded for 28 days.