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Think first then dial


South Australia Police (SAPOL) have introduced eTickets - expiation notices that are generated and usually delivered electronically to a person.

eTickets are predominately issued after having a face-to-face conversation with a police officer. They are not auto-generated without contact from a police officer except for some parking offences.

You will now have two options for receiving an expiation:

  • By email - as a PDF attachment from SAPOL.
  • By mail - printed and posted to your mailing address (may take up to 14 days).

If you elect to have a digital copy sent, you will not receive a hard copy of the ticket.

There will still be a limited number of officers using the paper expiation notices, for example, motorcycle officers.

Payment options remain unchanged.

What if I have lost, deleted or not received my eTicket

If you haven’t received your eTicket within 14 days, or need a replacement ticket you can contact the Expiation Notice Branch Call Centre on 1300 920 362.

I think I’ve received a scam eTicket, what should I do

If you haven’t spoken to a police officer recently but have received an ‘eTicket’, it is possibly a scam.

  1. Contact the Expiation Notice Branch Call Centre on 1300 920 362 if you have concerns about the authenticity of your notice.
  2. Do not open any links or attachments.