To combat the threat of bushfires this summer SA Police, in collaboration with the SA Country Fire Service (CFS), are working together to promote bushfire prevention for the 2023/24 Fire Danger Season. SA Police has a useful bushfire prevention fact sheet providing information on what you need to know about bushfires and the law, with advice on common patrol officer taskings which police attend during the fire danger season that many people may not be aware are an offence.
Additional information explains police powers and authorities around road closures and directions that police can issue to the public to stop an activity which has been assessed as being a risk of starting a bushfire.
A selection of posters on these topics is available from the CFS website for you to print and share to raise awareness in your community. Download the Why risk it? Posters
SA Police continues to work together with the CFS to reduce and prevent deliberate, reckless, and negligent acts that can cause bushfires. Police officers will also be delivering bushfire prevention materials to amplify CFS messaging in an effort to drive down the number of fires started by reckless or negligent behaviour.
It is important that you continue to report suspicious, reckless or negligent behaviour by calling SA Police on 131 444. If you see a fire or there is an imminent risk of a fire, call Triple Zero (000). If you have any information about someone deliberately lighting fires call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online. You can remain anonymous.
You can also help by familiarising yourself with the Australian Fire Danger Rating System released by the CFS, and always consider the weather conditions and check the restrictions around what you can and can’t do during the fire danger season by visiting the CFS Website. Their website also provides guidance on creating a bushfire survival plan.
A useful tool is ‘The State Bushfire Management Area Plans’ (BMAP) with the state being divided into nine bushfire management areas. The plans can be viewed as an interactive online map, showing areas and assets at risk from bushfire. You can input your address in your relevant region and identify a bushfire risk rating. This resource may provide a greater understanding of bushfire risk in your local area.
You can view each local area by clicking Bushfire Management Area Plans and selecting a region.