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Think first then dial

Road safety campaigns

Road safety campaigns play an important role in educating the community about the dangers on our roads, in an effort to reduce serious injuries and fatalities in South Australia.

The role of communications in seeking to improve road user behaviour cannot be underestimated. Our innovative campaigns are designed to capture the attention and influence the community to create a safe road environment for all of us.

New Campaigns

Drink Driving campaign "Full of It"

‘Drink drivers are full of it,’ is the freshly brewed South Australia Police road safety campaign launched on 2 October 2024 to curb drink driving on South Australian roads.

Aiming to confront the selfish choices that fuel drink driving offences, the new campaign underscores SA Police research findings that show drink drivers are taking themselves for a ride.

Traffic Services Branch Officer in Charge, Superintendent Darren Fielke said the innovative campaign which features a drink driver’s vehicle filling with beer or wine, sends a new message that leaves drink drivers with nowhere to turn.

“Road users across South Australia will see this campaign. There are still some people who think it’s okay to drink drive and this campaign is here to tell them that they’re full of it,” Superintendent Fielke said.

“Police have heard drink driving excuses from, ‘I can handle my alcohol,’ and ‘I don’t have a licence so what does it matter?’ to ‘I’m not paying for a cab.’

“Our campaign message is clear - If you still think it’s ok to drink and drive, you are full of it.”

Throughout three filming days, the production team used a Port Adelaide warehouse and surrounding streets to set the scene, bringing a scene of grim symbolism to life to represent the potential horror of drink-driving.

Set engineers disassembled a car to apply watertight seals and other trickery that enabled vehicles to be filled with liquid. Around 60,000 litres of fake wine and beer were pumped into the cars to create the symbolism for the campaign statement that ‘drink drivers are full of it’.

Actors playing drink driver roles wore wetsuits during record cold temperature nights to create the scene of driving in a vehicle full of beer and wine. Additionally, stunt crews staged a rear-end collision and a head on with a stobie pole.

Last year, drink driving was a factor in 100 serious injuries and 19 lives lost and police caught 5,595 drink drivers on SA roads.

Between 2019 and 2023, 17 per cent of all fatal crashes and 10 per cent of serious injury crashes involved at least one driver or rider with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) over the legal limit. Crash statistics and expiation data indicate a demographic skew toward male drivers between the ages of 20-29 and 30-39.

“Full of It” will run across TV, outdoor and digital channels from 2 October 2024.

Male Driver | 30 sec

Female Driver | 30 sec

All videos and posters from this campaign can be viewed in the drop-down section "Drink Driving" below.

Current Campaigns

Distractions campaign "Stop Flirting with Death"

With fines and demerit points being applied through Mobile Phone Detection Cameras from 19 September 2024, a new video has been added to the campaign to inform drivers.

"Fines Now Apply"

All videos and other components of this campaign can be viewed in the drop-down menu below.

Campaigns by topic

Senior Drivers
Drink driving

On 17 May 2024, SA Police launched a new road safety campaign asking drivers to put away their phone while driving and to “Stop Flirting with Death”.

The campaign showcases the idea that every mobile phone interaction while driving might as well be an interaction with the Grim Reaper, who will do everything possible to distract the driver and lure them to a far worse destination.

The campaign targets primarily 20 to 39-year-old drivers who account for around 60 per cent of mobile phone infractions.

Superintendent Darren Fielke, Officer in Charge of Traffic Support Branch, said the proliferation and increasing functionality of smart phones is increasing people’s reliance on them and therefore the risk that they will use them illegally.

Over the past five years (1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023), Distraction has played a significant part in causing crashes that resulted in 1,715 serious injuries and 199 lives lost in South Australia.

Attitudinal research within the target audience shows that a key motivator to use the phone while driving is perceived ‘down time’ in the car and busy lives that make ignoring the phone and potential ‘important calls’ difficult, with more than two thirds of people admitting to using their phone illegally.

“It’s not only texting or answering phone calls anymore, it’s also streaming music and podcasts, GPS and hyper-connection to social media. The challenge is not giving in to the temptation when a new notification pops up on the phone, or when someone is texting or calling,” Superintendent Fielke said.

The new campaign presents the Grim Reaper as temptation provided by a known person – a friend, a family member, a partner – providing the lure to give in to their phone. Using this physical manifestation of death shows what might await drivers who give in to that temptation.

The campaign was tested amongst the target audience, who appreciated the fresh angle and humorous nature of the ad, whilst acknowledging the seriousness of the key message.

The campaign features two versions of the TVC, one with a male driver and one with a female driver. While driver distraction is still a male skewed issue, female drivers are more highly represented in Distraction than other heavily male skewed road safety issues such as drink and drug driving, speeding and motorcycles.

The new campaign will be in market from 19 May 2024, and will air on TV, outdoor, radio and digital channels.

Male Driver | 30 sec


Stop Flirting with Death | Male Driver (30 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death | Female Driver (30 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death | Male Driver (15 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death | Female Driver (15 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death | Mobile Phone Detection Cameras - Grace Period Ending Soon (15 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death | Mobile Phone Detection Cameras - Fines Now Apply (15 sec)

Radio ads

Stop Flirting with Death (30 sec)

Stop Flirting with Death (15 sec)

Mobile Phone Detection Cameras | Fines Now Apply (30 sec)


Stop Flirting with Death | Billboard


Stop Flirting with Death | Poster

Stop Flirting with Death | Fines

Testimonial Campaign
Drug driving

On Thursday 7 March 2024, South Australia Police launched a new road safety campaign that confronts drivers with the harsh reality of driving on drugs.

The new campaign sends a strong message highlighting the differences between tragic reality and drug drivers’ indifference to safety, showing that “Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Drugs”.

Targeting those who are most represented in road trauma, male drug users between 20 and 40 years of age, the campaign was designed to address both users of meth and weed in two separate advertisements, each speaking to the driving characteristics of each target group.

Traffic Services Branch Officer in Charge, Superintendent Darren Fielke said crash and enforcement data clearly shows that despite what drug users may believe, driving with illicit drugs in their system clearly impairs the ability to drive safely and that police are actively detecting and prosecuting drivers who choose to drive after drug use.

“Typically, we hear cannabis users say they are more cautious when driving and try not to attract attention while drivers or riders who have taken methamphetamine perceive themselves as alert and responsive.”

“Both perceptions are wrong; cannabis can affect perception, reaction time and judgement, while meth can make drivers aggressive, over-confident and dangerously drowsy as the high wears off”, Superintendent Fielke said.

“These driving behaviours are also obvious to police patrols who have the power to then pull over and randomly test drivers for drugs”.

Between 2018 and 2022, 14% (66) of all lives lost and 14% (540) of serious injuries on South Australian roads occurred in crashes where a rider/driver tested positive to drugs.

With invaluable input from police officers of SA Police’s Serious and Organised Crime Branch and the Major Crash Investigation Section, the campaign is a realistic representation of drug driver behaviour, providing a strong reminder to drug drivers that reality hits hard when you drive on drugs.

TV ads

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed (45 sec)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth (45 sec)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed (30 sec)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth (30 sec)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed (15 sec)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth (15 sec)

Radio ads

Reality Hits Hard | Chicken (30 sec)

Reality Hits Hard | Hippo (30 sec)

Reality Hits Hard | Turkey (30 sec)

Digital ads

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed (15 sec - Horizontal)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth (15 sec - Horizontal)

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Drugs | (7 sec - Vertical)


Reality Hits Hard - Billboard

Outdoor Posters

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed A2 Poster

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth A2 Poster

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive Stoned | Weed A3 Poster

Reality Hits Hard When You Drive on Meth | Meth A3 Poster


TV ads

Back Off (30 sec)

Back Off (15 sec)


Back Off | "Therapy" (6 sec)

Back Off | "Slide" (6 sec)

Back Off | "Freedom" (6 sec)

Back Off | "Alive" (6 sec)


Back Off | "Alive"

Back Off | "Connected"

Back Off | "Flowers"

Back Off | "Freedom"

Back Off | "Therapy"


Back Off | "Alive"

Back Off | "Connected"

Back Off | "Flowers"

Back Off | "Freedom"

Back Off | "Therapy"

Behind The Scenes

Created with the help of motorcyclists, SAPOL’s latest motorcycle campaign “Back Off” took nine months of research and careful planning to come to life earlier this year.

The campaign aims to encourage motorcyclists to reduce speeding on thrill seeking rides before their thrills turn to grief. It primarily targets 20-29 year old male motorcyclists, who were the most implicated in serious injuries involving motorcyclists between 2018 and 2022.

During extensive market research, motorcyclists spoke of their sense of freedom, their connection to the road and the heightened sensory experience that riding gives them. Rather than argue with that, the campaign reflects the dark side of those feelings.

The new campaign was launched in May this year and will return to market in January 2024. Campaign research shows that it has been seen by an unprecedented 97% of 20-29 year old motorcyclists.

Go behind the scenes of the making of "Back Off" in the video below.


This new road safety campaign reminds visitors to the Fringe how to be safer on the roads while enjoying the month-long festivities.

Given the nature of the event, which typically attracts large numbers of people and plenty of drinks, South Australia Police have produced this small campaign to remind people not to drink-drive, and to watch out for pedestrians in areas where there is likely to be high, and possibly intoxicated, foot traffic.

The three ads will remind people to ‘give driving a miss’ if they’ve had a few too many, to ‘get a ride home’, use alternative transport and to ‘watch out for pedestrians’ when driving (sober, of course).

In keeping with the spirit of the Fringe and to better connect with the audience, the campaign is light-hearted and features an actual Fringe magician to match the positive and quirky nature of the popular festival.

The Fringe Festival Marketing team was consulted during the making of the campaign and has been a source of support in bringing it to market.


Fringe | "Cups" (30 sec)

Fringe | "Cups" (15 sec)

Fringe | "Taxi" (30 sec)

Fringe | "Taxi" (15 sec)

Fringe | "Pedestrians" (30 sec)

Fringe | "Pedestrians" (15 sec)


Fringe | Cups

Fringe | Taxi

Fringe | Pedestrian